Low prices…sky high customer satisfaction

For all Apple mobile devices:
Please go to the App store and search for “ZiiZii” or simply click here to be taken to the App.
Download this free App to your device.
Server URL: http://corso.ziizii.net/JellyCorso/
Username: Corso and your account number: (i.e. if your account number is 12364; your username is simply Corso12364).
Password is the same as your user name
This App will also allow you to scan UPCs with your device’s camera and/or a bluetooth scanner.

For all Android, Samsung, Amazon Kindle Fire & Google mobile devices:
Please go to the Google Play or Amazon Appstore and search for “ZiiZii.”
Download this free App to your device.
Server URL: http://corso.ziizii.net/JellyCorso/
Username: Corso and your account number: (i.e. if your account number is 12364; your username is simply Corso12364).
Password is the same as your user name
This App will also allow you to scan UPCs with your device’s camera and/or a bluetooth scanner.